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Case Study

Highlights trusts Precision Sample for consistent nationally representative samples

Business Challenge

Highlights was launching a targeted ad campaign and wanted to survey target markets to determine audience exposure to the advertising.

Shavon Brown, the Market Research Manager at Highlights, identified the project as “complex.”

“The project had a tight timeline. We wanted to do a pre-read sampling, before any ads and then again after to measure lift. These are smaller markets which are difficult to get a sample from in the first place,” Shavon said.

Highlights needed to find a partner who could see them through the subtle complexities of this project.


• Entertainment


Sample Type

• Consumer


Primary Values

• Speed of delivery

• Easy to work with

• Flexibility










Our Approach

Highlights partnered with Precision Sample to facilitate their research. Precision Sample was able to execute according to Highlights’ timeline demands, while also collecting a quality sample from their small target market.

“Precision Sample was able to turn this around really quickly for us. They were able to not only get a sample but a readable sample – which is incredibly important,” Shavon said.

When comparing the target markets to a nationally representative sample, Precision was able to provide just that. “Precision has consistently provided us with a nationally representative sample, in a timely manner, without us needing to weight data. They have reflected the latest Census data in each sample without us needing to hit quotas. It is very important that we get that—and they deliver,” said Shavon.

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Great Customer Service – “They are fast to respond, professional, friendly, and on-time. I really have no complaints about their customer service,” said Shavon.

More Control with Precision Sample – “I like to have control,” Shavon shared. “I want to be in charge of questions, how they are written and presented. With Precision Sample, I have that ability. I can handle the programming and how everything looks to the respondent.”

Nationally Representative Sample

Quick Turnaround

                       What Our Clients are Saying                      

“I would absolutely recommend Precision Sample. They are able to fill our surveys with the responses we need, in a timely manner, with high quality.”

– Shavon Brown, Market Research Manager, Highlights