Unique Research Study Reveals Most Loved and Hated Scenes of 2013 Super Bowl Ads
~ February 4th 2013
Hugging Clydesdales and Kissing Supermodels are Super Bowl Ads Highest & Lowest Rated Scenes…by far
Unique survey results analyze the exact scenes in Super Bowl ads that viewers loved and hated
CHARLOTTE, NC February 3, 2013 – Using the new video analysis decision system in its BlogNog online research platform, Charlotte, NC-based Accelerant Research conducted a research study which asked Super Bowl viewers to provide frame-by-frame ratings of the Super Bowl ads. The results of the research provide not only the top rated ads, but also the exact moments that 2013 Super Bowl viewers loved and hated.
The winning moment of the 2013 Super Bowl ads was the hug between trainer and Clydesdale in Budweiser’s “Brotherhood” spot. This was by far the most preferred moment of this year’s batch of ads, as no other ad in general or other scene in particular captured the level of appeal of this embrace.
Conversely, the least favorably received moment of the 2013 Super Bowl ads also involved an embrace of sorts. The lowest rated scene was that of GoDaddy’s “Perfect Match” ad, immediately following the extended make-out session between Bar Refaeli and Walter. As with the most favorable moment, this was by far the least preferred moment of the big game’s ads.
Other notably liked scenes were the return to the nursing home in Taco Bell’s “Viva Young,” the goat kicking the door closed in Doritos’ “Goat 4 Sale,” and Red’s cowering under the piano in M&M’s “Love Ballad.”
Accelerant Research conducted this study online among a demographically representative sample of 100 Americans, age 18 and older who viewed the Super Bowl. The survey was conducted immediately following the game, and Accelerant Research enlisted the help of Precision Sample, who provided willing research panelists to participate in the study.
To learn more about the results of this study, please visit http://accelerantresearch.blogspot.com/2013/02/hugging-clydesdales-and-kissing.html
About Accelerant Research:
Accelerant Research is a full-service marketing research and consulting firm headquartered in Charlotte, NC. Its core capabilities include customer loyalty, product development, customer satisfaction measurement, modeling, tracking, ad testing, brand equity, and online qualitative research. For more information about the BlogNog online research platform, go to http://www.BlogNog.com .